Author Topic: Videobox FINAL wish list!  (Read 4659 times)


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Videobox FINAL wish list!
« on: August 18, 2020, 05:36:21 PM »
Hi Guys, well this is it, this will probably be the last update for Videobox, we're fixing a few bugs, shuffling some things around and trimming the fat, that means that some features in Videobox will be dropped...
Now before you start screaming Noooo, I want to keep Videobox just as it is, dont worry we are only removing stuff that we know not many of you like or use, such as the special modes, unnecessary menu's & dialogs etc, and in any case you will be able to keep and use a copy of the current version if you so wish.  ;D
Anyway, as we are removing some old stuff and this will be the final build I thought why not let the guys have a final wish list and see what they come up with, it could be a new feature you have thought it would be nice to have or maybe just somethig you have proposed on a previous wish list, get your thinking cap's on lad's and put your ideas on the wish list, if we get a good one we will try to incorporate it into the final build if we can.

Steve  ;D

The wish list:-

« Last Edit: August 18, 2020, 08:11:46 PM by Steve »
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