Author Topic: Option to set screen timeout when switching from music selection to video clip  (Read 1761 times)


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  • Posts: 35
Currently on Pub Juke it seems to take 30secs between selecting a track, waiting, and then video clip showing.
I find thius problematic for Karaoke tracks for the obvious reason that there is a high chance the first words of the track are not displayed.

So, was thinking, could there be an option in the sys admin, or engineer section where you can set this delay manually, or in sets of 5 secs.
So minimum would be 5 secs, then 15, 20, 25, 30 seconds.

Conversley could the hard coded time of 30 secs be reduced to 15, or 16, or 17, or 18 seconds please.
I believe most karaoke tracks have a 20secs intro anyway.

Cheers Guys