JukeBlaster.com Forum

General Category => Videobox => General Discussion => Topic started by: doxy4000 on February 29, 2012, 07:51:53 PM

Title: Unavailable music
Post by: doxy4000 on February 29, 2012, 07:51:53 PM
Hi all, I have just added all my catagoies in C/jbp with all the music, eg 60,s catagory with the 60's music in it. Although all the tracks are in the folder eg C/jbp/60s when you press the 60's catagory in videobox it says unavailable in the top left hand corner! Please help
Title: Re: Unavailable music
Post by: Bry on February 29, 2012, 11:00:21 PM
hi doxy

just sounds like you might have just put a load of tracks in a root folder or somethjing.

I cant understand ur folerr layout from your description can u paste apicture of ur folder layout an i will help you :-)
Title: Re: Unavailable music
Post by: stampy69 on March 04, 2012, 01:44:15 PM
This happened to me at first too..........made a folder called pub music then put all my tracks in it.

tried to open and it said unavailable........so i added another folder inside pub music called tunes and added the tracks to that folder and now they all work.

A good giveaway that you've done something wrong like this is when you add your music and  it'll say something 8000 tracks in the first window and 8500 in the BGM window.

Not sure if that made any sense to anyone but i tried :P
Title: Re: Unavailable music
Post by: Chrism on March 06, 2012, 04:29:34 PM

I am having the same problem, my folders are named

1 (top 40)     - Numbered so it goes at the top of the selections

All folders functioned correctly before update, ut now it appears only certain ones are working, basically the Now, Rock and Chillout folders have subfolders (albums) and these are working, the others are just music files dropped into the folder and these are not working.

Is this a fault or is it that the update has forced a requirement for music to be placed inside subfolders within the genres?

Title: Re: Unavailable music
Post by: Wikky on April 04, 2012, 01:23:28 PM
I now have this 'unavailable' message. The thing is, it all worked fine before the upgrade. What's changed? Why do I now have to change the folder system?
Title: Re: Unavailable music
Post by: Dj4nrv on April 04, 2012, 01:45:48 PM
I too used to have 40 tracks in a folder called '1'.  ;D

as i understand it, since the update we no longer can have just tracks in a 'Genre' folder.? But you can put tracks in a 'SubGenre' folder.
Im sure theres a good reason for steve and bry doing it this way?

I now have the top 40 category with a folder for 'each track'  rather than a long list of tracks. This also means you can have Art work for each induvidual track too.

I personally think its better that way.

My previous top 40 category was set like this:

I now have:

hope that helps.
Title: Re: Unavailable music
Post by: Steve on April 04, 2012, 04:22:04 PM
Hi Wikky

Dj is right, the thing that has changed is that you cant just have a load of tracks in the top category or genre folder.
Its like this now so that you can have sub-categories (everyone and his dog requested this)  ;D.
So, all you need to do to fix it is ...

1, go into the category folder that is giving you the UNAVAILABLE message
2, where you see all your tracks, create a new folder and give it a name
3, drag all your tracks & copy the folder.jpg into the new folder you just made

You can now add more folders alongside your new one, or you could even create another folder inside the one you made above (this would then be a sub-category)

Its not as complicated as it sounds, just remember 2 things...

1. you cant just have tracks in the root or top category folder
2, you can now have category folders as deep as you want to go (ensure they all have a folder.jpg)


C:\JBP\Top 20\Top Indie\indie album1\track.mp3's
C:\JBP\Top 20\Top Indie\indie album2\track.mp3's

C:\JBP\Top 20\Top Soul\Best of artist1\track.mp3's
C:\JBP\Top 20\Top Soul\Best of artist2\track.mp3's

C:\JBP\Top 20\Top Indie\Old Skool Indie\album1\track.mp3's
C:\JBP\Top 20\Top Indie\New Stuff\Last week chart album\track.mp3'

Title: Re: Unavailable music
Post by: Wikky on April 10, 2012, 12:50:04 PM
Hii Guys,
Just spent the Easter adding new folders for the upgrade. It's so much better now. I no longer have to scroll through 126 artists - I've just made some new folders, called them ABC, DEF, etc and now I can find anyone (together with all the album artwork) in a few seconds. Thanks for all your patience.
Title: Re: Unavailable music
Post by: stampy69 on April 17, 2012, 11:08:00 AM
I found that its easier to use "-" instead of "1"

 -Top 40-

this will put it at the top of the catagories list..........likewise -- will put it even higher :)

--Latest top 40--