Author Topic: Important, updated Terms & Conditions  (Read 1510 times)


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Important, updated Terms & Conditions
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:29:26 PM »
Hi All

I just wanted to let you all know that we have updated our website Terms & Conditions and just give you a quick (Plain english) rundown of what we have changed and more importantly why!.

Guys, first thing to say is that there is nothing to worry about ok :D, its business as usuall and most of the stuff wont affect you at all, but there is a new section regarding duplicate license requests that takes effect this sunday (11/03/2012) that you should read.

Ok, so here's why

First to clear up some misunderstandings, it seems that there is some confusion regarding the download account that we provide when someone joins us...

It seems that some are under the impression that we provide the download account to them 'for life', and that we keep backup copies of their software & license for them, of course this is not the case (our contract is complete once the software has been downloaded), so what we are doing is just clarifing this in our T's & C's and letting users know that they should be making their own backups in case they lose their software or license.

Secondly to cut down on unnecessary support and emails, we are spending far too much time writing emails and dealing with license issues, we prefer to spend our time writing great programs & updates for you...

So, we are setting a cut-off for first license requests & stopping Duplicate license requests to reduce this problem

We have recently had customers contact us that ordered software back in 2010 & 2011 but never requested a license, of course we helped them get going, but it took so much of our time up because they had changed emails and lost login details and we couldnt find them on our system etc etc, so we are now setting a 1 month period in which customers should request a license (we think 1 month is fair).

We also need to stop the tons of duplicate license requests we get, it seems people are just not backing up their license and expecting us to do it for them, we cant anymore, so instead we will have to charge for an additional license in future (sorry about that guys but it cant continue).

I think you will see our reasoning for these changes and agree with us that these new terms are fair and needed.

Our new terms & conditions:-

If you have any concerns you have my ear, just PM me.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 03:47:26 PM by Steve »
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