1. Press the "Add" and "minus" buttons at the same time for about three seconds, then the letter "A" will appear
from the LED display.
2. Press the "setup" button once, and the letter "E" will appear. Next, use the buttons to choose how many kinds
of coins you would like to use; then press the "setup" button again to finish.
-Using 2 kind of coins (1 € and 2 €)
3. The letter "H" will appear after pressing the button. Use the "Add" and "minus" buttons to choose how many
samples you would like to insert later. Next press the "setup" button again to finish.
-10 samples of any kind of coins ( 10 of 1€ then 10 of 2€)
4. The letter "P" will appear after pressing the button. Use the "Add" and "minus" buttons to choose the amount
of output's signals/pulses you want. The quantity limited is 50 times. Next, press the "setup" button to finish.
-The amount for 10 coins of 1€ - 10 pulses
-The amount for 10 coins of 2€ - 20 pulses
5. The letter "F" will appear after pressing the button. Use the "Add" and "minus" buttons to choose accuracy.
The value is from 1~30, and 1 is the most accurate. Normally, 5~10 will be fine.Next, press the "setup"
button to finish.
-I'am selecting accuracy 10
6. So far, you have successfully set up the first coin. please repeat all above procedures until you have set up all
the coins. The letter "A" will appear again after all above procedures are finished.
-Repeat operation for other coin from 3.
7. Press the "setup" button, and the letter "E" will appear. Finally, turn off and turn on the power. The setup will
be stored.
Then Sampling
1. Press the "setup" button, then letter "A" will appear from the LED display. OK
2. Press the "setup" button again, then letter "A1" will appear. Next, start to insert sample coins. The LED
display will show how many coins you insert. The letter "A1" will appear again after finished.
-Here my setup has stop to work because letter A1 is'nt appeared after sampling coins
3. Press the "setup" button again, then the letter "A2" will appear. Next, Start to sample 2nd coin, and repeat No.
1 and No. 2 until all the coins are set up .
4. After finished the sampling, press the "setup" button. The letter "A"will appear, then turn off and turn on the
power. Now you can start to use it