Author Topic: Skinning thoughts  (Read 6450 times)


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Skinning thoughts
« on: October 06, 2013, 03:37:24 PM »
I have just been playing around with VB and this sort of comes down to skinning as well.

My thoughts are that the left panel if possible, could be either removed or re moveable. I saw this, because for most part there are only two options, the popular button, and the other button.

The left panel could be removed to increase the size of the selectable genre icons. The buttons that are normally on the left, would possibly be better as a top or maybe a bottom function icon of the skin, rather than just two icons and a huge whacking space in between.

Obviously with the left panel, then you could put the pub etc etc name down the side and fill in that blank, but when you increase the size of the albums in the main panel for people to select, then the small genre icons on the left look silly because it does not look uniform.

There are slight placement issues with VB in the fact that you can change certain aspects of the album size, but a skin does not fully compensate for that.

So if for example you have a 19" monitor, it might look fantastic, but if you switch to a 22" monitor, then the results can look as if they need adjusting via the options panel.

I am waffling now, but I do think that the left panel could be re moveable in the best part of the case.

However I am trying to have a play with a 40" TV rather than a monitor.

Video Box really does have so much potential it is a rough diamond that needs to be polished.

